How much of the Ocean has been explored?


For centuries, humankind has been fascinated by the sea, exploring it and venturing
towards the blue horizon in search of new land and adventures.

Today, we know that the ocean makes up about 71% of the Earth’s surface,
and it is the biggest ecosystem on the planet, holding 99% of all habitable
space in the world. As much as we try to picture its vastness, however, it
remains almost incomprehensible.

The five main ocean basins, the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern
Oceans contain 94% of the world’s wildlife and 97% of all the water on our
blue planet.

Despite the central role it obviously plays in our planet’s balance, and the
appeal the ocean has held to men since the beginning of time, we actually do
not know much about its mysteries. In fact, most of the waters remain
unexplored, uncharted, and unseen by our eyes.

It might be shocking to find out, but only 5% of the ocean has been explored
and charted by humans. The rest, especially its depths, are still unknown.

In this article, we will learn more about the science of oceanography and the
history of ocean exploration throughout the centuries. We will also look at why
it is complicated to explore the ocean, and why, at the same time, it is so
important to understand its secret for the future of all life on Earth.

Let’s get started then!

Source: National Geographic


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