Dx.1 Robot​

Industrial remote control robot





13 kg



Operation Time

2:30 h

The DX robot is an industrial remotely controlled robot that is the best option for inspection, monitoring and discovery of oil operations up to 100 meters deep.

The power of super engines, the implementation of a powerful software system has made it easy to control and maneuver in great depth for this robot.

The DX.1 robot is the first native Iranian robot designed for this operational depth.

What makes the Dx.1 robot different?

This robot has six very powerful propulsion motors that help it navigate and control the robot. This robot is included in the category of ROVs. The powerful software available in this robot along with the designs made in it allows the user to image the desired objects at the desired depth by experiencing the least turbulence and movement. If the environment is dark, this robot is equipped with two spotlights to illuminate the path in front of it. To improve the experience of using this robot, distance sensors, a higher quality camera, more powerful batteries and a robotic arm can also be added to the features of this robot.

Weight: 13 KG

Max Depth: 100 M

Set up in less than 30 seconds Dx.1 has high lumens and high quality camera and allows you to record high quality images and videos from different angles.

With the help of Dx.1 sensors along with DPOS software, it has automatic stabilization features such as automatic depth and deviation stabilization, which makes it show better stability in turbulent conditions.

These features enable you to work in harsh environments such as strong currents or in situations where precise and accurate inspection is required. Dx.1 can also support many other tools and plugins such as grabbers, longer tethers, thickness gauges, sonars and more. Contact us if you need help finding the best robot for your application.

Exceptional maneuverability, with expert engineering and the help of ultra-precise brushless motors, the outer shell and thrusters of the ROV can rotate 180 degrees to perform lateral movement, this allows the ROV to move up, down, side to side. , move forward and backward.

The operational depth of 100 meters for the first in the Middle East, produced and designed by Iran

Using the combination of artificial intelligence to detect cracks and indicators of material deterioration

Reducing monitoring and inspection costs and increasing the speed of monitoring operations up to 70% and reducing inspection and monitoring costs up to 40% for similar operations

Darya Peyma Ozhen is an innovative startup which utilizes the drone technology to fulfil agricultural tasks and underwater surveillance and inspection.

Cultivation with our agricultural drones decreases the water usage and saves time. All the steps in the process are done using artificial intelligence to improve the quality of inspection and harvesting and harvesting.

When underwater, inspection using robots has a huge advantage over using the divers. Aside from the dangers below the water, less time is spent for inspection and the operator has full control of the actions of the robot which improves the precision of the inspection.

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