What are the applications of drones?

What are the applications of drones?

The application of drones is highly significant and unique in today’s life, as humans always embrace innovative technologies. As drone technology has gradually expanded, their applications have also increased. Drones easily handle many dangerous tasks or tasks that require completion within a short period of time. If you carefully observe major industries such as the […]

Smart farming with the help of drones

Smart farming with the help of drones

Smart agriculture becomes more targeted with the help of drones, as agricultural drones enable the collection of comprehensive data and analysis of various information. With the assistance of these data, better management of water levels, pesticide spraying, determining the required amount of fertilizer, and determining the timing of harvest and many other tasks become easier. […]

Everything You Need to Know About Drones

Everything You Need to Know About Drones

Drones are known as unmanned aerial vehicles that are controlled by a person or a computer. Drones are usually designed for various purposes, including military, commercial, agricultural, recreational, entertainment, and even transportation. In recent years, the use of drones has increased, and companies active in this field are striving to implement new and up-to-date systems […]

The Role of Drones in Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation

نقش پهپادها در محیط زیست و حفاظت از طبیعت

Drones play a significant role in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation due to their high flexibility. These unmanned aerial vehicles are precise and cost-effective in addressing many technical challenges related to environmental protection and law enforcement. In general, drones have a positive role and good impacts on environmental protection. They are utilized in various fields, […]

Exhibition of knowledge-based products in the marine field

نمایشگاه ارائه توانمندی ها و محصولات دانش بنیان حوزه دریایی

10 technological products of the marine industry were unveiled with the presence of the president’s vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy. On the sidelines of the exhibition of capabilities and technological products of the marine industries field, which was held this morning at the Iran Innovation and Technology House located in the international […]

What is Oceanography?


Also known as oceanology, oceanography is the study of the oceans. Thisdiscipline applies all branches of science (chemistry, geology, meteorology,biology, etc.) to the discovery of the ocean and its characteristics.Oceanography focuses on all the ocean’s features, including its ancienthistory, current condition, and future. Oceanographers explore a range of subjects as wide as the ocean itself, andthe information and […]

How much of the Ocean has been explored?


For centuries, humankind has been fascinated by the sea, exploring it and venturingtowards the blue horizon in search of new land and adventures. Today, we know that the ocean makes up about 71% of the Earth’s surface,and it is the biggest ecosystem on the planet, holding 99% of all habitablespace in the world. As much as […]

Why do we know more about space than oceans


The answer seems obvious. Space is infinite and out of reach, while the oceans arefinite and limited to our planet. We have been sailing the oceans for centuries, whilespace exploration is less than a century old.We must know more about the oceans, right? How could our oceans contain moremysteries than outer space?In truth, the answer […]

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