Exhibition of knowledge-based products in the marine field

نمایشگاه ارائه توانمندی ها و محصولات دانش بنیان حوزه دریایی

10 technological products of the marine industry were unveiled with the presence of the president’s vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

On the sidelines of the exhibition of capabilities and technological products of the marine industries field, which was held this morning at the Iran Innovation and Technology House located in the international exhibition, 10 technological products of this field were displayed.

Dr. Ruhollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, vice president for science, technology and knowledge-based economics, was present at this ceremony.

These products are as follows:

  • Sediment indicator
  • Water turbidity measurement sensor, which is a suitable tool for continuous monitoring of laboratory processes in water environments.
  • Coastal automatic identification system

It is one of the main systems required in all ports of the country, which aims to increase safety and prevent ships from colliding at sea, while facilitating port traffic management and navigation.

  • Online sea shipping services

This system implements online shipping services.

  • Redesigning and changing the ratio of the ZF marine gearbox with an input power of 1680 kW and a speed of 2100 rpm
  • Dual-purpose subsurface

This subsurface is built for the purpose of inspection and monitoring of oil, gas and internet transmission pipelines for a depth of 40 meters and has the ability to monitor the water level.

  • Artemis exploration robot

It has 4 engines and 6 degrees of freedom and is equipped with artificial intelligence for routing and detecting objects.

  • Design and production of inflatable lifeguard system

It is used for group and individual rescue applications.

  • Scent monitoring system

It is used to measure buoys, while it is able to measure the acceleration of buoys and is equipped with GPS.

  • Smart and integrated sea emergency response system

This system is used for sea rescue and ship recycling. Receiving information from AIS, automatic reporting from SAR, estimating the time and position of reaching the destination are other features of this system.

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